Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No More Words

It's no secret that I want to be a writer, although published author would be more accurate. I am not aiming to be another Stephanie Meyer or J.K. Rowling. My dream is to write books that people love to read and someday be able to write full-time without causing financial distress to my very supportive husband.

Along the way towards following my dream, I had the luck to participate in classes taught by Hallie Ephron, an author I've met and shared airspace with at writing-related conferences over the years. I learned a lot from her. What I didn't know until last night was that she was Nora Ephron's sister. 

If you've never heard of Nora Ephron you've probably heard of the movies Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, Julie and Julia, and When Harry Met Sally (and many others).  Nora wrote the screenplays for each of these and in many cases was the director and producer. Nora was a woman of many talents. More than I even imagined as I read the numerous tributes to her around the web.

I was excited to see You've Got Mail when it came out. It was adapted from one of my all-time favorite Jimmy Stewart movies, The Shop Around the Corner. It didn't disappoint.

And so I was very sad to hear that Nora passed away yesterday. I can only dream of crafting words that are a small fraction of her genius.

I wish her family peace and comfort. And thanks for sharing such a wonderful spirit with the world.



  1. hello, i'm particularly interested on your posts about Dellwood cemetery and would love to chat more. Looking for a few Isham ancestors I believe are buried there. Thx

    1. Hi back! Feel free to email me at jayne @ jaynebelmont . com (without the spaces) and I will share what I have.

      ~ Jayne B
