Thursday, March 8, 2012

Got Orbs?

Down the road from the Inn at Ormsby Hill is a beautiful graveyard. One entrance sits just beyond the entrance to Hildene, originally built as a summer home by Robert Todd Lincoln, son of President Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary. Robert, the eldest son of the President and his wife, was the only one of their four sons to live to adulthood. Robert Todd Lincoln led a very interesting life. It is quite possible you'll read about him here some day.

We had intended to visit Hildene during our not-so-romantic getaway but when we learned from a local shopkeeper that the gardens were designed to look like a stained glass cathedral window we decided to wait until the flowers were in bloom. As I have a thing for gardens and old cathedrals it was a no-brainer. We did drive through though, just for a quick peek.

Before we drove through Hildene we explored the old cemetery. Dellwood Cemetery does not have a web page that I could find, but I will have more about it in a future post.

Dellwood has many old graves, including those of Revolutionary and Civil War soldiers and a woman who died during the Titanic tragedy. 

I know what you're thinking. What does any of this have to do with orbs?

I have a friend who warned me once that ghosts like me and I needed to be careful because they liked to follow me home. Interesting, I thought. 

I like to take pictures of places purported to be haunted and check them out for orbs or any other kind of proof (if you believe in that sort of thing). I'll be posting what I find in future. During this trip I took copious amounts of pictures everywhere we went, including the inn where we were staying. I got very excited when viewing the pictures and short videos from day one because I saw something bright flying through the darkness of the downstairs. Upon closer inspection I decided it was some kind of insect because I was pretty certain I could see wings fluttering. The pictures were equally disappointing. 

When we returned from our travels, which included the graveyard, I walked through the inn and took another set of 150 or so pictures. The next day we visited another graveyard (among other places, I am not that morbidly-focused) and returned to the inn to change for dinner. Before going out I took another goodly amount of pictures of the inn, including some of the empty rooms, and when we returned from dinner I took more pictures of our room. (Yes, I do drive my husband crazy at times, but to be fair he was napping while I was picturing so I was being considerate.)

There were no orbs in any of the over 500 pictures I took of the inn. (It's a digital, no worries.)

With one exception.

Our room.

There were quite a few pictures, below are some of the more noticeable ones.

So who followed me "home" this time?

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