Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Strange Night

Do you believe in ghosts? Or spirits or entities or whatever you want to call them. I am not 100% sure if I do, although I have had many strange encounters over the years that I cannot explain. The possibility that ghosts exist fascinates me, which is probably why the manuscripts I am working on all have a ghost or two floating around in them. I am hooked on shows that deal with that aspect of the paranormal (much to my absolute non-believer husband's dismay, especially when I fill the DVR up with them), and whether or not they are real I have to admit that some of them scare me a teensy bit, especially shows like My Ghost Story

He is a good sport though, willing to be dragged into supposedly haunted places we are nearby on our travels, waiting patiently while I fill up a memory card.

Could many of these eye-witness accounts be faked somehow? Do the ghost hunting crews fake some of their 'evidence'? There are many people that would swear yes to that. Even so, some of the evidence people present still scares me a teensy bit. And because I've had some bizzare experiences myself I cannot totally dismiss anyone else's. I just don't happen to have video or EVP evidence. (I do have pictures I'll share at some point.) 

I like to take pictures of places rumored to be haunted and see what shows up. My husband says orbs are nothing but dust or insects or reflection and to some extent I agree, although not entirely. I believe that some of my orbs look authentic, and I did discount moisture drops that reflected off my camera flash on a trip to New Orleans. (I know, I know.) 

I am not obsessed, really I'm not, even though I spent a long weekend with Jason and Grant of Ghost Hunters fame a couple of years ago at the Stanley Hotel. Really great guys, and a very interesting weekend I'll report on someday. 

Last night was strange. Nothing about the day was unusual, the typical work stuff. We both got our hair cut after work and then did some errands. The errand run was interrupted by news that a very close friend's mom had passed away suddenly. Coming so soon after the anniversary of my mom's passing it was rough to hear, and even more difficult to pick out a card to send her without tearing up.

Some time during the night I was woken up by my husband having a nightmare. This has only happened a couple of times that I can recall, and after making sure he was okay (of course he was, it was only a dream <insert rolling his eyes here>), I went back to sleep. At this point we were sleeping back to back, but touching, and the cat was snuggled in his usual spot at my side under the covers. 

Around 3 a.m. someone, or something, blew twice in my ear and woke me up. Not a soft 'puff puff' but a pretty forceful one. Don't interpret 'forceful' as monsoon force winds. I mean forceful as opposed to a soft whisper of air. Right in my ear. As if someone had their mouth less than an inch from my head. Of course I thought my husband did it, but he was sound asleep, still back to back with me. The cat, now awake because I was, was likewise curled up under the covers, too warm to do more than open his eyes and glare at me in protest. Okay, I thought to myself, and went back to sleep.

A little while later it happened again. I know I exclaimed "Seriously?" out loud because the cat moved and my husband mumbled something, but both had not moved from their previous positions. I stayed awake for awhile, covers pulled over my ear, and finally went back to sleep.

What the heck was that? And for the record, we have floorboard heating so that was not a possibility. Being winter, the windows are all closed so there was no breeze of any kind passing through the room.

The next day on our ride home from work I asked my husband what his dream was about. After much coaxing he finally admitted that he was dreaming that a ghost had come into our bedroom and was trying to get on the bed. And then immediately told me there was absolutely no connection between his dream and my 'ear-puffing' experience.  

I think I'll make sure the covers are over my ears before I go to sleep from now on.

Pleasant dreams!

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