Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to the Cat

Today my sweet boy turns 15. In people years that is 76. Older than my parents when they passed away (much too soon). We miss his sister, who lived to 13 until a mysterious flu-like illness took her pretty quickly. The Boy is still hanging in there. We shower him with extra love and attention (and of course treats) in case he has doubts about leaving any time soon. He has many nicknames. Poop Head, Booger, the Boy, Puppy, Kitty Poopy, Yoda (see picture below), Pillow, and Puke Face.

He earned the name Poop Head as a young lad. He loved to run full speed into the bathroom and sail into the toilet. I learned quickly to keep the lid closed. Booger was bestowed upon him when he caught a cold. It was amazing what came out of such a tiny nose. The Boy has no special origin that I can recall, probably because he was the boy and his sister was the girl. Puppy came about because he shared property with two growing up and I didn't want him to think he was any different than anyone else. Kitty Poopy is what my husband calls him when he leaves little nugget presents for us to find. Puke Face is what my husband calls him when he eats too much. (It should be noted that Mom is the designated nugget and puke cleaner-upper.)

My Boy spends most of his day as a man of leisure. Sometimes above the covers: 

sometimes underneath them.

He is a cat of habit, some new some old. Growing up in a single parent household was a breeze. Sharing Mom with a sister was too. If his sister was curled up on Mom's lap it was easy enough to put his head underneath her and shove her out of Mom's lap so he could take her place. His sister was a runt, never getting bigger than six pounds, so it was easy to get his way when he was so inclined. Sleeping meant that Mom always had to be on her right side so both cats could snuggle under the covers in a little cave. Sister got the bottom, the Boy got the top so he could put his head on the pillow next to Mom. The name 'Pillow' was bestowed because somehow by the morning Mom was using the Boy as a pillow.

When he finally got a Dad it took him a few months to adjust. Dad as well. He'd never had a pet of any kind before so it was a big change. But soon enough Dad and cat become the best of friends, and when Dad was home Mom was a distant memory. Dad learned how to belly rub like a pro and the Boy would do the drop and roll whenever he could. One thing did not change, and that was bedtime. Even though his sister was gone, the Boy still sleeps with Mom on her side under the covers, head on the pillow. Because Dad has his specific side of the bed, this means that Mom has to sleep with her back to Dad.

And if Mom does not place herself in the proper position, the Boy will either sit and wait patiently until she moves, or leave and come back as many times as it takes for her to do so.

He is stubborn that way. But we love him just the way he is.

The Boy would like it known that he intends to maintain his dignity throughout his twilight years. He has no intention of exhibiting the kind of behavior a certain cousin has been lately.

Just saying .....

Happy Birthday with love and kisses!!!!!!!!!

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